Der verflixte Schlauch: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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I tried taking a look at your web site in my moilbe phone and the page layout does not seem to be right. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not really working with your site.
== [[bild:info.png|<nowiki/>]] Kurzbeschreibung ==
== [[bild:info.png|<nowiki/>]] Kurzbeschreibung ==
{{Kurzbeschreibung|kurzweiliges Spiel, bei dem man nass wird}}
{{Kurzbeschreibung|kurzweiliges Spiel, bei dem man nass wird}}
I tried taking a look at your web site in my moilbe phone and the page layout does not seem to be right. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not really working with your site.

== [[bild:personen.png|<nowiki/>]] Gruppengrößen ==
== [[bild:personen.png|<nowiki/>]] Gruppengrößen ==
mit vielen Schläuchen gehts auch mit mehreren
I tried taking a look at your web site in my moilbe phone and the page layout does not seem to be right. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not really working with your site.
== [[bild:buch.png|<nowiki/>]] Inhalt ==
== [[bild:buch.png|<nowiki/>]] Inhalt ==
=== Spielablauf ===
I tried taking a look at your web site in my moilbe phone and the page layout does not seem to be right. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not really working with your site.
Man füllt einen Schlauch von 1m Länge zu 60cm mit Wasser. Dann pusten auf Kommando 2 Leute an den Enden rein.
=== Spielende ===
Wer als erstes nass wird, hat verloren. D.h. aber nicht, dass automatisch der verliert, der keine Puste mehr hat...
== [[bild:utilities.png|<nowiki/>]] Material ==
== [[bild:utilities.png|<nowiki/>]] Material ==
* mindestens 1 Schlauch, 1m lang
I tried taking a look at your web site in my moilbe phone and the page layout does not seem to be right. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not really working with your site.
{{Autoren|Sven Siegle, [[Benutzer:Matthias|Matthias Rathje]] und andere}}

== [[bild:Comments.png|<nowiki/>]] Kommentare ==
== [[bild:Comments.png|<nowiki/>]] Kommentare ==
Immer, wenn ich anderen von der Spielidee erzählt habe, konnten sie sich vor Lachen nicht halten! Es wird Zeit, dass es wieder warm wird o.O<br/>
Super-Idee :D
<br/>-- [[Benutzer:Mæx|Mæx]] 11:34, 7. Nov. 2009 (UTC)
Man könnte mit Schlauchkupplungen das Spiel auch noch erweitern, indem man an jeder Seite noch einen oder beliebig viele dran kuppelt. Man könnte auch auf der einen Seite einen besonders starken Mitarbeiter gegen zwei oder drei Kids antreten lassen.
Ich habs versucht. Es ist sehr witzig. Meine Freundenund ich waren nur am Lachen xD
<br />-- Ragave 11:43, 2. Apr. 2011 (CEST)

Lustig ist auch, erst heiter zu pusten, dann aber den anderen stärker pusten zu lassen und ihm den schlauch hinzuhalten.. dann wird der nass.. :D Gute Idee
I tried taking a look at your web site in my moilbe phone and the page layout does not seem to be right. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not really working with your site.
<br />-- tobi 13:28, 29. Jun. 2011 (CEST)

Version vom 26. März 2013, 22:55 Uhr

I tried taking a look at your web site in my moilbe phone and the page layout does not seem to be right. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not really working with your site.


Spiel draußenKurzspiel

 kurzweiliges Spiel, bei dem man nass wird

I tried taking a look at your web site in my moilbe phone and the page layout does not seem to be right. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not really working with your site.

Vorbereitungsaufwand: Keiner kOiWmupwxCzWemCkoVMDCdbEOXFNO


Mindestens 1 Leiter. Für genau 2 Teilnehmer. I tried taking a look at your web site in my moilbe phone and the page layout does not seem to be right. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not really working with your site.


I tried taking a look at your web site in my moilbe phone and the page layout does not seem to be right. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not really working with your site.


I tried taking a look at your web site in my moilbe phone and the page layout does not seem to be right. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not really working with your site.



I tried taking a look at your web site in my moilbe phone and the page layout does not seem to be right. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not really working with your site.