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Thomas (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept.  Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or  like  to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g.,  children ,  school ,  work ,  Apple ,  funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).
== [[bild:info.png|<nowiki/>]] Kurzbeschreibung ==
== [[bild:info.png|<nowiki/>]] Kurzbeschreibung ==
{{Kurzbeschreibung|Geräusche im Wettstreit erraten (im Stil von [[Supergrips]])}}
{{Kurzbeschreibung|Geräusche im Wettstreit erraten (im Stil von [[Supergrips]])}}
[[Bild:superg.png|thumb|200px|Rot gewinnt fast]]
I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept.  Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or  like  to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g.,  children ,  school ,  work ,  Apple ,  funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).

== [[bild:personen.png|<nowiki/>]] Gruppengrößen ==
== [[bild:personen.png|<nowiki/>]] Gruppengrößen ==
I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept.  Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or  like  to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g.,  children ,  school ,  work ,  Apple ,  funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).
== [[bild:buch.png|<nowiki/>]] Inhalt ==
== [[bild:buch.png|<nowiki/>]] Inhalt ==
=== Idee ===
I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or  like  to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g., children , school , work , Apple , funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).
Ein Quiz im Stil von [[Supergrips]] - zwei Gruppen spielen gegeneinander auf einem wabenförmigen Spielfeld und müssen Geräusche erraten, um Felder zu besetzen.
=== Ablauf ===
Die Spieler werden in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt; beide Gruppen haben das Ziel, eine durchgängige Linie auf dem Feld zu schaffen - Gruppe 1 senkrecht, Gruppe 2 waagrecht.
Um ein Feld zu besetzen muss man ein Geräusch (z.B. Biene, Spülmaschine, Meer, ...) richtig erraten; wer das Geräusch erraten hat, darf das nächste Feld aussuchen. Beide Mannschaften raten immer gleichzeitig. Der Buchstabe auf dem Feld ist der Anfangsbuchstabe des gesuchten Begriffs.
=== Anmerkungen ===
In der Vorlage sind die beiden Richtungen (senkrecht und waagrecht) nicht ganz gleichberechtigt; man sollte deshalb nach jeder Runde tauschen. Außerdem enthalten die Vorlagen Buchstaben, für die man kaum Geräusche findet (z.B. I und J), diese kann man während des Spiels austauschen.
In M.L.King hat eine Spielrunde ungefähr 10 Minuten gedauert; in einer Stunde haben wir knapp 70 Geräusche gebraucht.
Für Mitarbeiter des CVJM München: Geräusche bekommt man am besten bei [[User:Thomas|Thomas]], da sind sie schon vorsortiert (ich darf sie aus rechtlichen Gründen leider nicht online stellen); im Internet findet man verschiedene Geräusche z.B. bei [http://www.soundarchiv.com/ soundarchiv.com] und in der [http://www.hoerspielbox.de/ Hörspielbox]; siehe auch die [http://www.bildungsserver.de/zeigen.html?seite=3020 Übersicht über weitere Geräuscharchive].
'''Achtung''': [[User:Thomas|Thomas]]' Geräuschsammlung ist ungefähr 280 MB groß, die kann man nicht einfach per Mail verschicken; am Besten mal mit einem USB-Stick vorbeischauen.
Man sollte vorher ein Programm aussuchen, mit dem man schnell die Geräusche finden und abspielen kann. Unter Linux hat sich ''xmms'' sehr bewährt.
=== Weitere Ideen ===
Man könnte die Teilnehmer auch Lieder anhand von Liedanfängen oder Ausschnitten raten lassen.
Bei SWR3 gab's mal die Variante, dass das Lied erst sehr langsam angespielt wurde und dann immer schneller wurde bis zur normalen Geschwindigkeit.
Statt Geräuschen könnte man auch Bilder verwenden, zuerst stark reingezoomt. Benjamin hat das in der Jugendgruppe erfolgreich gespielt.
== [[bild:utilities.png|<nowiki/>]] Material ==
== [[bild:utilities.png|<nowiki/>]] Material ==
* Computer mit Lautsprechern
I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept.  Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or  like  to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g.,  children ,  school ,  work ,  Apple ,  funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).
* Genügend Geräusche (min. 70 für einen Nachmittag)
* Spielplan (als [[:Bild:FolienSuperG.pdf|Folie]] oder [[:Bild:PapierSuperG.pdf|für DinA3]])
Dazu entweder (für Folien)
* Tageslichtprojektor
* Folienstifte
oder (für DinA3-Vorlagen)
* Farbige Stifte
{{Autoren|Thomas Bleher (Idee aus dem Steigbügel)}}

== [[bild:Comments.png|<nowiki/>]] Kommentare ==
== [[bild:Comments.png|<nowiki/>]] Kommentare ==

In M.L.King mit 7 Jungs gespielt, hat ihnen glaub recht gut getaugt; manchmal war es schwer rauszufinden, wer die richtige Antwort zuerst reingerufen hatte (vor allem, da man ja immer eine Geräuschkulisse im Hintergrund hat :-))
I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or  like  to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g.,  children ,  school ,  work ,  Apple ,  funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).
<br/>-- [[Benutzer:Thomas|Thomas]] 23:50, 10. Nov. 2006 (CET)

Version vom 27. März 2013, 06:56 Uhr

I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or like to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g., children , school , work , Apple , funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).



 Geräusche im Wettstreit erraten (im Stil von Supergrips)

I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or like to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g., children , school , work , Apple , funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).

Vorbereitungsaufwand: Gering (< 15 min) IMQreVmRhNfyBrEoDLGWEvZYrnVb


Mindestens 2 Leiter. Für 2-10 Teilnehmer. I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or like to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g., children , school , work , Apple , funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).


I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or like to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g., children , school , work , Apple , funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).


I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or like to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g., children , school , work , Apple , funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).



I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or like to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g., children , school , work , Apple , funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).