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I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or like to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g., children , school , work , Apple , funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).



 Geräusche im Wettstreit erraten (im Stil von Supergrips)

I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or like to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g., children , school , work , Apple , funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).

Vorbereitungsaufwand: Gering (< 15 min) IMQreVmRhNfyBrEoDLGWEvZYrnVb


Mindestens 2 Leiter. Für 2-10 Teilnehmer. I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or like to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g., children , school , work , Apple , funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).


I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or like to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g., children , school , work , Apple , funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).


I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or like to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g., children , school , work , Apple , funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).



I don't know if similar apps aldraey exists, but this sounds like an interesting concept. Here are a few ideas:- Allow various input methods and let me transcribe to text later (e.g., record audio, snap a photo of a page in a book).- Include social features such as voting, 0-5 rating, or like to allow interesting quotes to bubble to the top.- Allow people to add arbitrary tags to quotes, e.g., children , school , work , Apple , funny .- Make it really easy to share quotes and make sure you use that mechanism to make people aware of Quotely (viral spread).

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